Digital Photography SIG
This SIG meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7.p.m.
Taking pictures has never been easier. Make use of your Virtual Darkroom and join us!
We play with digital photos from cameras or film scanners. We try to improve them with good software,
and then display them either in print or on screen. It's lots of fun and we all learn together!

SIG Leader: Joe Dietz

This Months Program Notes

Digital Photography Special Interest Group


Tuesday, June 25, 2024 @7 PM /CENTER>

As Found Gary & Liz Hansen’s Images shown at the Lexington Art League’s Loudoun House The images depict found objects, which have been neglected, abused, repurposed, or abandoned, that tell stories. Their condition and location tell stories of changing tastes and of the people who owned, used, or left them in the situations where we found them. In addition to focusing on the images, they will discuss the process of putting on their first solo/duo show, including developing the concept; selecting images; submitting a proposal; framing, hanging, and pricing the photos; and exhibit events and promotion. This month our photo contest is “Night Sky”. There has been a lot of opportunity for night shots recently. Get out – take pictures and send a great one to by June 24, 2024. Join us at CKCS at 160 Moore Drive on Tuesday night June 25 @7 PM. Bring a Friend.


Thanks for all your support!

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Photo of the month Competition

Here are the topics for 2024 photo contests.
January – Kentucky Landmarks February – Gates, March – Signs of Spring, April – Birds, May – Rainbows, Jume – Night Sky, July – 3 options – Bridges, Lexington Icons, Old Cemeteries – Hard Copies delivered to CKCS, August – Water Motion, September – Workers in the Field, October – Feet, November – Couples, December – no contest – Have a Merry Christmas .

Guidelines for our Photo-of-the-Month competition

All members of CKCS can submit one photo each to our Photo-of-the-Month competition.
2. No photo that has already won a prize at one of our competitions can be re-submitted. That includes our Hall-of-Fame Exhibits.
3. The photos will be submitted to the SIG leader at least a day before the SIG meeting. The names of the photographer will not be known to the voters until after the vote has taken place. The SIG Leader who knows the names will be excluded from voting.
4. Every member present at the meeting votes for only one photo.

1. See you there! .

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